Detox for Alcohol Addiction: AUD Treatment in Delhi

Detox for Alcohol Addiction: AUD Treatment in Delhi

The treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) varies in intensity, ranging from mild to severe. The care patients require depends on the severity and condition of the alcohol user. People with alcohol use disorder experience withdrawal symptoms when they suddenly stop drinking. Sudden cessation can be both uncomfortable and dangerous. 

At this stage, detox treatment for alcohol addiction becomes essential for addicted people to manage their withdrawal symptoms.

What Is Detox for (AUD):

Detoxification, or detox, for Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) is a process of managing withdrawal symptoms of alcohol. 
It is a first step of AUD  treatment, that helps safely remove the alcohol components from your body. 

.What detox for AUD involves:

Medical Evaluation:

Study of Patient's health and alcohol use history and the severity of withdrawal.


Medications and monitoring are done to manage withdrawal symptoms and prevent complications.

Supportive Care:

To make the detox process easy psychological support and a safe environment are provided to the patient.

Preparation for Treatment:

Educate the patient about detox and plan for ongoing rehabilitation.

Medications Used in Detox:

Administer benzodiazepines, anticonvulsants, beta-blockers, and antipsychotics to manage symptoms.

Importance of Medical Supervision:  

Safety, comfort, and immediate intervention values to avoid complications during AUD detox treatment.

After Detox:

To avoid comprehensive rehabilitation, psychological aspects, and relapse continuous follow-up on alcohol detox treatment is very important.

Mild to Severe Alcohol withdrawal symptoms:

Mild Symptoms

●    Anxiety
●    Irritability
●    Fatigue
●    Insomnia
●    Headache
●    Sweating
●    Nausea and vomiting
●    Tremors (shakiness)
●    Loss of appetite

Moderate Symptoms

●    Increased heart rate
●    Elevated blood pressure
●    Fever
●    Confusion
●    Mood swings

Severe Symptoms (Delirium Tremens or DTs)

●    Severe confusion and disorientation
●    Hallucinations 
●    Severe tremors
●    Seizures
●    High fever
●    Agitation and restlessness
●    Profuse sweating

Timeline of Symptoms

●    6-12 hours after the last drink: Mild symptoms like anxiety, headache, nausea, and tremors can begin.
●    12-24 hours after the last drink: Moderate symptoms, like hallucinations and increased heart rate.
●    24-48 hours after the last drink: The risk of seizures is highest.
●    48-72 hours after the last drink: Severe symptoms like delirium tremens.


How does alcohol detox work and how long does it takes? 

The duration is different according to mild to severe patients.  it ranges from a few days up to one week for severe dependency.

Is AUD painful?

Detoxification is painful and even risky and can be potentially lethal without professional oversight in certain cases; however, medicines can alleviate uncomfortable feelings.

What drugs are given to patients during alcohol detoxification?

Benzodiazepines, Antiepileptic drugs, Adrenergic antagonists, and Antipsychotic agents. All of the above are not recommended to take after reading this blog. If you need any assistance related to alcohol detox treatment in Delhi, then you can contact Roar Wellness.

Is it possible to detox AUD at home? 

Detoxification at home can be very dangerous for a patient, and we don't recommend it for severe cases patients especially; therefore it is advisable to seek the assistance of our alcohol detox specialist in Delhi. 

What are the signs that show you should go for alcohol detox? 

If you have withdrawal symptoms and can’t stop drinking, you will need detox and you should consult a doctor.

In Delhi which clinic is best for alcohol detox treatment? 

Roar Wellness has been a top-rated clinic providing detox from alcohol addiction in Delhi for decades, and our case studies of successfully detoxified patients have made us more confident in treating patients needing help with AUD.

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